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Use epsom salts and sugar when planting tomatoes

by Marie Bretton

An avid garden and greenhouse owner told me years ago to use Epsom salts and sugar when planting tomatoes. Put a tablespoon of each in the hole and mix it in. The salts have minerals, which encourage growth. Sugar encourages bacteria activity, which enriches soil.

If your tomatoes get too tall before you set them out, make cuttings. Tomatoes root easily. This can double your crop! Works for me.

Tomato Dirt comment:
Get more information on the benefits of Epsom salts and why they are beneficial to tomato plants.
Epsom salts: a natural fertilizer for tomatoes
Order Epsom salts online.

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Mar 15, 2018
Does sugar fend off parasites
by: Anonymous

Someone at Home Depot said to use sugar in the soil when planting tomatoes to keep certain parasites from damaging the roots. Don’t know if this is a myth or fact. Can anyone comment on this. Thanks

Oct 06, 2016
Epsom salts and sugar.
by: Gloria

Most interesting to read about the combination of Epsom salts and sugar when planting tomatoes.
I personally find Epsom salts fantastic in the garden and use it with everything I plant; be it seeds, bulbs, perennials, shrubs, trees,seedlings.
My Dutch fiance also taught be about taking cuttings from tomatoes; it is unbelievable how quickly they root!
I then told him to also dip the stem in Epsom salt.
My sister Maureen said they dip cuttings in honey; I then read that the honey stimulates a growth hormone and that it why it works!!
Many thanks for the tip.

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