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Russian Heirloom Tomato

by Kate
(Lancaster County, PA)

Taste is out-of-this-world good. The fruit is medium-size and plants are great producers.

Our first frost is usually the middle of October. This year it was much later. These bushy tomato plants produced up to the end. I had fresh tomatoes all season long, just from two plants. In comparison, my Amish friend lost all her regular tomato plants by August! When we finally did have a frost, I was able to save enough tomatoes to last me two more months.

After several months, the stalk of the Russian is as thick as a small tree. When you pick the fruit its shoulders are green, but underneath the green the flesh is red.

I save the seed and start my own Russian Heirloom Tomatoes every year.

Tomato Dirt note: check out multiple Russian heirloom tomato varieties at TomatoFest.

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