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No-Cost Tomato Drip Method

by Don Walton
(Bloomfield, IA)

I got 19 one-gallon vegetable cans from my local senior citizens center (They buy large cans of fruits and vegetables. Schools do as well).

I poked one small hole (less than 1/8 inch in diameter) in the side of each can near the bottom. Then I set the can at the base of each plant with the hole pointed toward the plant. With a five foot wand I fill up the cans with water.

The process takes less than 10 minutes to fill all 19 cans. The water drips out very slowly and the vegetables get a good soaking. You can refill the cans as many times as necessary to soak the roots of any plant. I attach the wand to my fertilizer canister if I want to put a fertilizer mix in the cans.

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Jun 17, 2014
Brilliant idea
by: Bill from Easley, SC

That's an awesome idea.
I had a neighbor in New Hampshire that used those same cans and cut both ends off and planted his Tomato plant inside the can.
He buried the can in the ground about half way down and left about half of the the can at the top without soil to hold water.
He would walk slowly from plant to plant filling each pot to give them a good soaking.
He NEVER got cut worms, and weeding was not an issue due to careful watering.

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