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How to grow healthier and bigger tomatoes

by Eloise Maynor
(Scottsboro, AL )

A tomato plant will grow much better if you put a handful of Epsom salts in the hole, before you put the plant in. This has always worked for me. Also, another good hint is if you see any sign of insects, mix powdered milk in water and pour, or spray, over the plant. This will not only get rid of the pests, but will make the plant grow much better.

Tomato Dirt comment:
Get more information on the benefits of Epsom salts to your tomato plants:
Epsom salts: a natural fertilizer for tomatoes

Comments for How to grow healthier and bigger tomatoes

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Apr 10, 2015
Epsom salt
by: Rick

We all know this but be sure to have a soil test.I have excessive; phosphorus,calcium and magnesium.I need no bone meal,no epsom salt.I was totally surprised last year when my results came in.I have no idea how the excessive materials got there.I compost grass and leaves but add nothing to the mix.Just be sure to know what you are working with.

May 24, 2014
bountiful harvest
by: Anonymous champion tomato for production is better boy...the grower is totally organic...why not copy him?? must learn how to build organic soil...wilbur
says half a whiskey barrel should produce over 100 lbs of tomatoes...need large cage also...did you know if you take bags of leaves and make a row in foot high grass or more...mow it, gather it, dampen it several times, it turns into rich black soil?? another trick i like is go to wild forest area with rake shovel and bucket, rake back freshly fallen leaves and take top 3 or 4 inches of natural compost along with the humus, rotted sticks, and rotted can find all you want, free...
you know you have good rich organic soil when worms love it and grow in it... must learn how to water deeply and less often so roots will run deep and breathe oxygen...

May 17, 2014
Powered Milk Insect Spray
by: Anonymous

Could I safely use the same ratio and use liquid milk instead of powdered ?

Nov 27, 2013
No milk for me!
by: Anonymous

I had a little bit of clabber milk i poured on 6 tomato plants killed them all !!!

Feb 19, 2013
powdered milk spray
by: Anonymous

How much powdered milk to how much water to make a spray for insects?

Tomato Dirt responds
1 part milk, 4 parts water usually does the trick!

May 25, 2012
re powdered milk
by: Anonymous

powdered milk, ? hard to spray?

Tomato Dirt responds:
Dissolve the powdered milk in water and apply with a pump sprayer!

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