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Tomato Cages are a Must

by Brett W.
(Clover, SC)


I have 2 tips for my fellow tomato growers.

Tip #1: Make yourself some tomato cages out of that concrete wire you see at Lowe's or Home Depot.

It's expensive and it's work, but it's worth it. You can get 20 cages our of one roll of wire, so split it with another gardener if you want just few. They NEVER FAIL, NEVER FALL DOWN, if anchored.

Tip #2: Get a roll of that vinyl bright colored construction tape, 1 inch wide. It is perfect for tying up plants fast and easy.

Happy Preseason Planning Dreams!

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Jul 04, 2016
by: Anonymous

I made tomato cages out of concrete reinforcing wire over 30 years ago. They are as good as new. I pound a steel fence post into the ground and tie the cage to the post with a single wire. The cages also work well for cucumbers. The cucumbers climb up the cage. I plant seeds at each intersection. They will fill up the cage and the six inch by six inch "holes" make for easy harvesting of tomatoes or cucumbers.

Dec 26, 2014
Tomato cages
by: captain Jack

I have no problems with my tomatoes growing up to 12 feet tall by using steel mesh grids from Lowes or Home Depot. They are about $7 and are 42 in. x 84 in. Sheared Welded Steel Wire Remesh Sheet. I stake two ends and tape them with masking tape to the stakes and at the top for growing my cukes. I bend them to make a "V" form cage 84" high and again stake in the two sides and tape the remesh to the stake for a firm structure for my tomatoes. I cut them down to make cages for my peppers and for a fence to keep my two dogs out of the garden. (The fence is in 42" wide sections and are easy to remove to work in the garden. If you have other critter problems, you can just tie the small grid chicken wire to each section and keep the little critters out!)

May 11, 2014
Tomato cages
by: Barry

Concrete wire comes in 5ft wide rolls, make cages this tall. Cut lengths off roll to make an 24" circle. Twist cut ends around to tie together. Be careful in handling roll of wire, it can spring up and poke you.

May 11, 2014
supporting cages
by: Barry

I drive 3ft pieces of scrap pipe 2ft into the ground and tie them to the cage with scrap copper wire

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