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My Tomato Favorites
in Missouri (Zone 5B)

by Karen La Rue
(Kansas City, MO)

My all-time favorite is Sun Gold -- it produces an amazing amount of very flavorful tomatoes.

Next is Brandywine -- but the RED one, not the pink one. The flavor is excellent, even if half of the plant is lost to bugs or blight

I always plant Big Boy because my mother did. It produces well here and tastes like my childhood.

I'm a big fan of Matt's Wild and Red Currant...for eating IN the garden...

I plant Yellow Pear because I think it tastes rather bland and the squirrels really prefer it. (Keeps them away from the rest of my crops!)

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in Missouri (Zone 5B)

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May 10, 2013
Here in San Antonio the Sun Golds
by: Anonymous

Here in San Antonio the Sun Golds are very productive as well. My neighbor planted a single Sun Gold one spring, a few years back, and it spread to cover a 25' diameter by October. Good amount of tasty tomatoes that same Spring, but the fall is when it went insane. After that I always look to plant Sun Golds.

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