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I check moisture daily
and adjust pH

by Pete
(Live Oak, FL)

Using Miracle Gro Moisture Control Mix this year in 5 gallon pots. Had to adjust (very acid mix, around 4.0) with hydrated lime to get up to 5 to 6.5 pH.

I'm not over-watering as I did last year! I use a soil moisture meter and do not water until 4" down is around mid-meter or less. Plants get about 4 hours sun, then a little shade for an hour or so from trees, then more sun in afternoon.

I planted 8 plants on April 6 and today, April 28, all are looking great and nice new growth.

Today I added 1 gallon of water with a teaspoon of calcium and tablespoon Miracle Gro fertilizer. Beefmaster plants are about 4 feet tall. The Bush Goliath plants, of course, are short and stocky.

I also use Epsom salt in the water at times, 1 tablespoon per gallon of water.

Have one pea size tomato and many blossoms. Maybe too many? Wonder should I pinch off some as one plant has about 16 or so?

Happy growing.
Pete in Live Oak, Florida

Tomato Dirt responds

Sounds and looks like you have a terrific formula going! You don't necessarily have to pinch blossoms unless the number is excessive.

For our other readers:

Get a soil moisture meter here.

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and adjust pH

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Mar 01, 2017
by: afer

Nice blog. Found this while searching through.

Jun 10, 2013
How much hydrated lime at a time
by: Anonymous

How much hydrated lime do you use per gallon of water at a time while adjusting the PH?

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