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Cherokee Purple Tomato - the slacker's Brandywine

by Andrea
(Denver, CO)

Cherokee Purple is a regular leaf beefsteak tomato plant that produces a bruise-color fruit with green shoulders. I think it's really a black tomato, but not as deep in color as Black Krim.

It's important to know when it's ripe and not leave it on the vine too long because you still see some green on the shoulders.

While I love red or pink Brandywines, the Cherokee Purples I've grown were almost as tasty but easier to produce. Both plants can become monstrous if unpruned, but I found the CP hardier and easier to cultivate.

In summary, the fruit was as big as a baseball and pretty tasty, but somewhat seedy and watery compared to BW. However, it's been so easy to grow even when we had challenges such as weather and gardener inexperience,

I'm giving it a great rating. I think I like it better for tomato soup than for sandwiches just because of the water and seed content. It is a mild, sweet tomato.

Tomato Dirt responds:
We completely agree!

Happy gardening!

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Oct 25, 2015
Can't beat it
by: AnonymousRick

Very simply, cherokee purple is the best tasting tomato I have ever grown.The wife and I just wait for the first one to ripen to have that first tomato sandwich.Duke's mayonnaise please and plain white bread +s a little salt and pepper.Yum!

Jan 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

Cherokee Purple has won the taste category at my Tomato Party three years running!

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