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[Tomato Dirt #233] What to Feed Your Hungry Tomato Plants: A Quick Guide to Tomato Fertilizer
July 08, 2021

Tomato Dirt Newsletter
Volume 11, Number 14

Dear Tomato Dirt reader,

Welcome back to Tomato Dirt! A couple times a month, we’ll send you this newsletter packed with tips about growing tomatoes and using them.

It’s Feeding Time!

Good gardeners know that healthy crops start with healthy, rich soil.

Organic fertilizer, soil booster, potting mix, soil test kits, compost recharger … check out all kinds of fertilizers and soil boosters with our good friends at Gardener’s Supply.

This is the GS page where you can get all the different kinds of fertilizing and soil amendment gear you need for your garden. It's so much fun to browse around. And if you find something at a bargain price - well, go for it!

Plus, they donate 8% of their profits to home and garden improvement programs.

But apart from all that good stuff, their fertilizers and soil enhancers are quality products that will last season after season. Check them out here.

Tomato Dirt is on Pinterest

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Join us on Pinterest! Browse our 100+ boards (and growing) for all kinds of tomato inspiration and practical information: growing tomatoes, tomato seeds, cold frames for tomatoes, tomato books, tomato greenhouses, , indoor tomatoes – even crafts to do with a tomato theme. Happy pinning!

FEATURE: What to Feed Your Hungry Tomato Plants - A Quick Guide to Tomato Fertilizer

Image: Tomato Dirt

Tomatoes are heavy feeders. Once they begin producing fruit they need extra nutrients, even if you added compost to the soil at planting time.

Enter fertilizer. Most fertilizers are a combination of the three nutrients commonly fed to plants: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (referred to as the “N-P-K ratio”). The three numbers represent those three nutrients.

The first number represents the proportion of nitrogen in the fertilizer. Nitrogen encourages leaf growth (rather than blossoming or fruit development.)

In tomatoes, excess leaf growth discourages blossoms and fruit. A lower number of nitrogen in this fertilizer is a good indicator that it is suitable for midseason tomatoes.

Phosphorus (the second number in the N-P-K ratio) encourages flowering, and therefore fruiting. This benefits midseason tomato plants.

Once a tomato plant starts flowering and fruiting, it needs a higher ratio of potassium for fruit to develop (the third number in the N-P-K ratio). The strong third number in this fertilizer indicates that it will help tomato plants produce healthy, quality fruit mid- to late season.

Find out more about kinds of tomato fertilizer so you can have healthy, productive fruit all season long … and check out other options for feeding tomatoes on our FertilizingTomatoes Pinterest board.

Best Tips for Growing Tomatoes: Bestseller in 89 Countries

THE tomato-growing Bible and best-seller in 89 countries: How to Grow Juicy Tomatoes. Two horticulturalists combine forces to give you advice about the right way to prune, fertilize, water and stake tomatoes.

You’ll be able to diagnose pest and disease problems using step by step priceless information, illustrated with 260 full color photos.

Get the book and you’ll also get 6 free bonuses, including the Family Tomato Cookbook and a database of 1300 varieties of tomatoes. More details here.Tomato Growing Book

Tomato Growing Tip: Tomato Growing Tip: Epsom Salts are a Good, Low-Cost Tomato Fertilizer

Image: Tomato Dirt

Get more tips for growing tomatoes on our Tomato Growing Tips Pinterest board.

Don’t Let Your Tomatoes Go Hungry!

Gardener’s Supply specialty organic tomato fertilizer in different sizesAvoid blossom end rot with organic lime All-natural blossom spray promotes fruit development

More Tips for Fertilizing Tomatoes

How and When to Fertilize Tomato Plants Organic and Inorganic Tomato Fertilizer: Advantages and DisadvantagesEpsom Salts: a Natural Fertilizer for Tomatoes Will this Tomato Fertilizer Work for You?

That’s it for now. More next time.

Until then, happy gardening!

Kathy with Tomato Dirt
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