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Turning Your Tomato Plants

by Kimberly
(Western North Carolina)

Ok, our pastor shared this with me last year and I tried it - and it was successful...

Just before you are ready to plant your tomato plants, turn them on their side and leave them that way. The next day you will see that the top of the plant has turned "upward." You now can plant the tomato plant on it side, and bury every bit of stem except for what has turned upward.

This method actually makes your plant stronger. One reason it helps tomato plants is that in letting the plant grow horizontally, eventually the side-to-side portion of the stem develops more roots. With more of the stem developing roots, the plant has a further reach into the ground, collecting more nutrients and water.

Happy tomato planting! :)

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May 12, 2014
Not with Grafted Plants
by: Anonymous

Just be aware that if you are planting grafted plants, do not plant below or even close to the graft. If the fruit bearing portion of the plant is allowed to root, you defeat the disease resistance of the grafted plant.

Mar 24, 2013
Planting tomatoes on thier sides
by: Frank in Ohio

I always plant my tomato plants horizontally, with just the top several leaves above the soil. Burying the stem length-wise allows all that stem area to produce many roots to support the new rapid growth, giving sturdier plants. I place the stem no deeper than 4 inches, as to keep it in that nice warm upper soil. Putting some black plastic over the stem area really gets the soil nice and warm. Planting the plant vertically and deep works, but the soil that deep in the spring is usually colder, and halts early root/vegetative growth. I have tried several different ways of suggested planting in the spring. For me, this method produces the fastest growing plants and earliest tomatoes.

Apr 27, 2012
by: Chris

I told this tip to my pastor last Sunday and he told me to just pray for stronger tomato plants, and that seems like an easier way to go. :)

Tomato Dirt comment: prayer always helps our plants, too!

Apr 10, 2012
Another great tomato tip
by: Anonymous

you can actually plant the tomatoes up right and plant them deep up to the top 2 sets of mature leaves. this is especally helpfull if your planting larger transplants. (like a 8" pot or a gallon container)

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